Losing parents is one of the most difficult things to go through, especially when holidays come around. If this is your first Father’s Day without your dad, you might be struggling to cope with the loss. The emotions that arise during this day can be intense and feel overwhelming, but it is possible to get through it. Keep reading for a few tips on how to survive your first Father’s Day without your dad.
Stay Away from Social Media
The problem with social media is that we are constantly conformed by news, pictures, words, and updates of everyone else’s lives. In today’s tech-age, those celebrating Father’s Day and Mother’s Day do so with a touching—and public—shout out to their parents. While normally seeing your friends celebrating momentous events in their lives or simply a memory from a fishing trip with their father by their side wouldn’t bother you, on your first Father’s Day without your dad it can be overwhelming. Scrolling through picture after picture of everyone commenting how wonderful their dad is will just serve as a reminder that yours is no longer there. In fact, Facebook might even show you your post from the prior year, which can bring up a flood of emotions that you aren’t ready to handle.
Explore Nature
In order to disconnect from social media, sometimes we need to venture into nature. In fact, exploring nature is a great way to untether from technology and connect with a world beyond work and the monotony of everyday life. Plus, the solitude you experience when strolling through the forest or climbing a mountain will provide a chance to contemplate and reflect on memories of your father. This is comforting and healing and is something we should all do more often. If you aren’t up for the adventure alone, grab a friend or relative to take along for the healing journey.
Be Good to Yourself
On your first fatherless Father’s Day, it can be easy to get down on yourself. Thinking about everyone else celebrating with their fathers can cause us to second guess relationships and begin thinking about the things we could have done differently to make our fathers feel more loved or appreciated. It is easy to get down on ourselves and fall into a pattern of self-wallowing. It’s important to keep in mind that Father’s Day only lasts for 24 hours. Instead of spending it overwhelmed by guilt, take time for self-care. Get your nails done, go for a run, or cook a delicious meal with fresh produce. Your father wouldn’t want you to be grieving or consumed with guilt, so be sure to be good to yourself.
Reach Out to Anyone Who Filled In for Your Father
The saying “it takes a village” definitely comes into play in this situation. After your father passed, was there someone who stepped up and served as a mentor? Was there a neighbor who mowed the lawn for your mother, a family friend who stepped up as a mentor, an Uncle who took you to get your permit on your birthday like your dad promised he would, or even your mother who played the role of mother and father for the past year?
On your first fatherless Father’s Day, take the time to reach out to anyone who stepped up to fill in for your father after he passed. Send them a card, shoot them a text or call them up to wish them a happy Father’s Day. You’ll never know how much it means to them to hear that appreciation from you and by uplifting them, you will feel better as well.
Find a Fun Way to Remember Your Dad
Another way to cope with losing your father is to create a fun way to remember him. One unique way to do this is by putting together a memorial. Gather your mom, siblings, children and other family members and lead the way to create a memorial for you all to remember him by. Where do you even begin? Well, there are a few options.
One option is to plant a memorial tree. You’ll enjoy watching it grow and sitting under the shady leaves as it grows over the years. This is not only therapeutic, but it also gives you a place to go when you feel that you need to connect with your dad.
Another option is to purchase a memorial bench or garden memorial. You can place the bench under his favorite shady tree in the backyard, or the garden memorial next to his favorite plants or flowers. Memorial windchimes are another great option to hang on the porch where dad used to sit and smoke his cigars.
As you can see, there are countless options if you are looking to create a fun and touching memorial for your dad. If you need help creating the perfect memorial for your father, The Comfort Company can help. We’ve been providing sympathy gifts for years and have a variety of quality, personalized memorial options.